Hello, I'm Tiffany.

I empower women to embody insane sexual confidence so that they can love their bodies, stop faking it, and experience the mind-blowing orgasms of their dreams!


What keeps you from having great sex?

Limiting beliefs about sex stay with us even when we grow up and know better. When we enjoy sex, the guilt comes because of the programming and conditioning.

Deep down you know that there has to be more to life and especially your sexual life. Sometimes we don’t even know what is possible and accept the status quo because it is safe and comfortable. My students often say, ‘I thought I didn’t like sex. It turns out I didn’t like sex with my partner.’


I’m here to tell you that there is so much sexual pleasure to be experienced. And when accessed fully, all areas of life improve!

I know this because my first relationship at 19, was with a narcissist. While I was in the relationship, I didn’t know how to communicate what I wanted. I lost myself, my confidence, and the drive for life. When the relationship was over, I realized I never had an orgasm. I thought I wanted more sex, but what I really desired was BETTER SEX. This had a direct effect on my whole life.

That’s when I embarked on a journey to find my sensual and powerful self. I learned the art of sexual pleasure and in the process embraced by body fully, became confident, and started to create a fulfilling life, without needing external validation from another person.

I made it my mission to educate and empower people to own their sexuality. It is a proven fact that a deeper connection to body results in being more present, in making better decisions, and setting firm boundaries.

I am a business owner who has tapped fully into my sexual confidence to bring abundance and pleasure to all aspects of my life. As the founder and CEO of Entice Me, myself and my team are a resource for anyone who wants to tap into their sexual power to create a life they desire.



Begins August 2023

Achieve the passion you see on screen, in your own life.Β 

Β βœ”Β Embody your inner sensuality

βœ” Embrace your body andΒ fall in love with yourself

βœ” Master the Orgasm Trifecta

βœ” Reach orgasmic peaks during intercourse

βœ” Train your body to have prolonged, multiple orgasms

βœ” F#ck with passion every time!Β 



April 2023

Ladies, step away from everyday life to focus on yourself.

βœ” Practice Self-Love and Self-Care

βœ” Incorporate pleasure into your life

 βœ” Learn to put your needs as a priority

βœ” Collaborate with like-minded women

βœ” Enjoy time alone

βœ” Escape from everyday life



Creating the life you desire begins with you. 

 βœ” Communicate effectively

 βœ” Shatter limiting beliefs

 βœ” Overcome shame

 βœ” Connect with yourself

 βœ” Improve relationships 

 βœ” Create passion and pleasure in your life

 βœ” Manifest your dreams



Next Class October 13

 βœ” Activate your sensual and sexual power to attract abundance, close sales, and look and feel better than ever!

 βœ”  Discover your body and the anatomy of pleasure

 βœ” Use The Orgasm Trifecta to up your pussy power and the ability to orgasm on demand

 βœ” Connect to your inner sensuality to map out ALL the pleasures in your life!


  • O's You Should Know
  • The Orgasmic You
  • Plus Other Courses


Watch on Demand

 βœ” Gain confidence in your oral skills

 βœ”  Love giving your partner pleasure

 βœ” Disarm your gag reflex and prepare your mouth

 βœ” Little known secrets that will blow him away

 βœ” The keys of The 5 P's


"Marilyn and I were walking around New York City, just having a stroll on a nice day. She loved New York because no one bothered her there like they did in Hollywood, she could put on her plain-jane clothes and no one would notice her. She loved that. So as we we're walking down Broadway, she turns to me and says 'Do you want to see me become her?'

I didn't know what she meant but I just said 'Yes'- and then I saw it.

I don't know how to explain what she did because it was so very subtle, but she turned something on within herself that was almost like magic. And suddenly cars were slowing and people were turning their heads and stopping to stare. They were recognizing that this was Marilyn Monroe as if she pulled off a mask or something, even though a second ago nobody noticed her. I had never seen anything like it before." ~ Amy Greene, wife of Marilyn's personal photographer Milton Greene

It was a subtle lift of the head, elongating the neck, shifting back of the shoulders, while adjusting her walk... that is what Marilyn did that day in NYC. 

I have never been the most beautiful woman in the room, and far from what society accepts as the perfect body, yet when I walk through, heads turn. My sexual confidence exudes from every cell in my body. You can have this too! 

