Claim Your Orgasms!

Next Session of The Pleasure Studio begins September 2024. ENROLL NOW for extra bonuses and extended payment plan options.

Flip on Your Pleasure Switch


Insane pleasure and intimacy begins with you. 

Do you dream of orgasms like you see on TV?

Those spontaneous, explosive fireworks climaxes that just happen with little to no foreplay?

Women have been conditioned that orgasms come from hot passionate PENETRATION.

For most women, they do not. And Nothing is wrong with you!

80% of women don't orgasm from penetrative sex alone.


It begins with you! 

Amazing orgasms begin with you being free and comfortable being naked, loving your body, feeling sexy and vibrant every day of your life. 

I am here to guide you to the pleasure you FANTASIZE about. 

Orgasms on demand... whenever you want!

Instantaneous orgasms upon penetration! 

Mind-blowing connections to yourself and your intimate partner can be yours. 

So whether you are the orgasm queen, are struggling to orgasm, or never have, this course is for you.

It's time to rip back the covers and have the passion you DESERVE.



My Ultimate Dream for All Women

My mission is to teach ALL women to experience uninhibited pure pleasure. When you stand in your sensual power and confidence, you achieve what you truly want in life. Orgasms draw in that force. I believe when women own their sexual pleasure, the world will change.


Click here to get the orgasms you deserve!


"After taking your course, I couldn’t feel any better. Sex has never been this good and I am 63. I wouldn’t go back to being younger for anything in the world. It changed everything to add the things I learned in your course. We are having sex 2-3 times a day and I can’t tell my friends because they would never believe it. It’s not that its ok or good, it is amazing every time. "


The Orgasm Trifecta

Great pleasure can begin many ways, and it isn’t usually lacking because of just one thing. There are so many factors that are never talked about. The absolute best pleasure combines the Mental, Physical, and Biological components. 

Hormones, grief, loss, trauma, daily stress, resentment, pelvic floor muscle tone, sexual positions, body shapes and sizes, anatomy, physical conditions medications, self-esteem, birth control, stds concerns, and other factors come into play. They are all part of orgasming all the time.  

I created this orgasmic program because on my own sexual journey, I was introduced to a way to experience such extreme pleasure that I needed to share it with every woman in the world. This isn’t something I was taught this in school, by my mom, by my friends, or in Cosmo. I did not read a book and am regurgitating it to you. I have spent 25 years gaining knowledge, experience, and wisdom about the female body, the mind, and what makes sex great. 

This type of pleasure is something every woman deserves to experience. The type of pleasure that I discovered after realizing that I had never had an orgasm. And after feeling all the guilt and shame that I didn't even know that I hadn't. I thought something was wrong with me. It seemed everyone, everywhere was having blissful orgasmic experiences. I saw it on TV, in the movies, on the cover of every women's magazine.

I knew that my relationship was missing something in bed, but I thought it was that I wasn't getting enough sex. It turned out, I wasn't getting enough pleasure!

I have taken all this knowledge and experience I have gathered to create this amazing course for you. The Pleasure Studio creates an entire experience. It is a system to take you from never, rarely, or wanting a more orgasmic life, especially during penetrative sex, to having multiples virtually every time, whenever you desire!

This journey isn’t just about locating a spot in your vagina and having an intense orgasm.

It is about connecting with your body and soul so that you can access parts of you that you didn’t know existed, learning to what you like, hidden spots, and how to communicate your needs, wants, and desires to your partner. 

The Orgasm Trifecta: Body. Mind. and Vulva.

P.S. I have worked and learned right along side the world's foremost sexual medical experts, doctors, and physical therapists for the past 10+ years. 


Do you feel like this?

âś” You want to feel aroused, alive, desired

✔ You want your libido back... and you aren't sure where it went

✔ You are ready for the orgasm, you have enjoyed "the journey" long enough

âś” You are tired of hearing that it is all in your head and you need to relax to climax

✔ Your partner is doing everything right and you still don't get there

âś” You get so close, then it is gone

âś” You have faked orgasms your entire life

âś” You worry that you are making the guy struggle and then it kills the moment

 ✔ Your partner says he has never come across anyone with your "issues"

âś” You don't know what an orgasm is supposed to feel like

✔ You don't even know if you are orgasming

✔ It takes too long


"I would like everyone to know why this course is different to other online courses. Tiffany's course explores the whole vagina on how to make penetration more pleasurable for more fulfilling orgasms. I have seen other courses where the focus is on the clitoris and the vagina is seen irrelevant, just useful for reproduction and little else. This makes me feel sad because so much pleasure is being ignored and overlooked. Tiffany's course helps me awaken my whole sexual system."



Your key to the passion and sex THAT YOU DESERVE. The most comprehensive program designed to inspire body confidence, tone vital intimate muscles, embrace personal pleasure, and guide you to MIND BLOWING ORGASMS.

Mind. Body. Vulva.

This intimate course is designed to lead you through the journey to learn about your body so you can put yourself first and enjoy ecstasy like never before! 

It is possible to experience deep internal orgasms whenever and wherever you want, with or without a partner. Your body is capable of intense, satisfying orgasms like you have never felt before, you just need to learn how to access this power!

Radical Self-Care

This course will guide you through intimate exercises that are necessary for your body to produce spontaneous orgasms upon penetration.

*There is no nudity or performance of any of the activities and exercises in front of others

"Tiffany did a great job explaining and educating women about their bodies in a comfortable setting."

Angelica S.

What's Inside The Pleasure Studio

Sensual. Empowerment. Xperiences for. You. is the inside scoop and step-by-step instruction on how to have the orgasms you dream about. Those riveting, body-shaking orgasms every time, whether alone or with a partner. Not clitoral orgasms, but the elusive internal (vaginal) orgasm. Before you invest any time, money, and energy, I want to be very clear that this course is for women who are ready to experience profound sexual pleasure. This elation is ignited from exploring your body like never before- in function, response, and connection. Included in this 12-week online Bootcamp, are easy to digest video modules, guided audio activities, daily exercises, and the sexual wellness products and support you need. It is time to challenge yourself and go beyond your comfort zone. You deserve it.

"I haven't even finished the course and already my orgasms are stronger! Before, my orgasms were somewhat of a distraction when something was inserted, now it is much easier to orgasm. And my play partner enjoys the flexes when he is inside of me."


Sexcure your spot for September!

I am here to personally guide your to more in your life. More Pleasure. More Passion. More Self-Love. More Happiness in every part of your life.



Normally $3000

Pleasure and Passion that will Curl Your Toes 

This complete course gets you to mind-blowing orgasms every time.

The material is delivered with 12 weekly live calls and online lessons where you will learn: 

âś” The Orgasm Trifecta so that you experience the most pleasure possible

âś” The best positions for climatic bliss

✔ Vital communication strategies 

✔ Online and Zoom support with Orgasm Guru, Tiffany Yelverton who has amassed decades of knowledge and experience 

âś” Orgasm Guarantee





Experience the Passion and Pleasure You Deserve

This complete course gets you to mind-blowing orgasms every time.

The material is delivered with 12 weeks of live calls and online lessons where you will learn: 

âś” The Orgasm Trifecta so that you experience the most pleasure possible

âś” The best positions for climatic bliss

✔ Vital communication strategies 

✔ Online and Zoom support with Orgasm Guru, Tiffany Yelverton who has amassed decades of knowledge and experience 

âś” Orgasm Guarantee



Frequently Asked Questions

Each Wednesday we will have a live video call. You can be anonymous or join by video in the community. It is a private call with only the attendees. 

Each session is recorded so you can go back and watch/listen to the recordings if you are unable to tune into the live call. 

You will also have access to the course materials and recordings for 1 year. 

If you have questions prior to enrolling in The Pleasure Studio, please schedule a call with Tiffany, your instructor here. 

Once you are enrolled in the course, there is a private FaceBook group and online community where there is an opportunity to ask questions each week. 

You may also text your questions to: 714-386-9684. 

The course contains 12 lessons spread over 3 months. 

Each lesson is about 1 hour in length. In addition to the lessons, there is daily and weekly pleasure assignments that collectively require an additional hour of time. 

Still thinking about it?

Let me say this.

The Orgasm Experience is the most comprehensive, step-by-step system for those who are COMMITTED to experiencing more out of life through body confidence, personal sexual power, and off- the-hook pleasure. 

If you feel drawn to this, it is the universe giving you a nudge. It is time to silence the negative voices and say YES to your pleasure potential.

I guarantee that if you correctly complete all of the activities in 12 weeks, and you still have not experienced an orgasm, I will personally lead you through the course and additional activities until you experience success. 

Give yourself permission, and trust that the pleasure possibility is infinite. More love of yourself.

Sure, there is a learning curve and many years of "stuff" that could be holding you back. But recognize how life-changing it can truly be to hold the power of your orgasmic satisfaction. And that’s why you’re willing to empower yourself TODAY to step up and take the reins of your own sexual gratification.

You 100% deserve pleasure, without a doubt, you are worth it! 


50% Complete


The Orgasm Experience

The most comprehensive program for getting more pleasure in your life!