Fall in Love with Yourself After Cancer

Sexy Survivors by Entice Me is a pleasure-based support platform to embolden you as a cancer survivor to embrace your sensuality, revitalize intimacy, and fall in love with yourself after life-changing treatments and surgeries.



  • Reconnect with your sense of self and reclaim emotional well-being after cancer treatments.
  • Overcome mental barriers around intimacy and self-worth, empowering you to trust and embrace your new body.
  • Learn effective techniques for managing stress, anxiety, and body image issues, boosting emotional resilience.
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  • Rebuild body confidence by focusing on the senses and self-care practices that nourish your physical and emotional health.
  • Develop a deep understanding of your body’s changes post-treatment and how to embrace those changes.
  • Reignite your physical intimacy with practical exercises that promote body awareness and reconnection with yourself and your partner.
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  • Address the specific challenges of cancer treatments, including dryness, pain, and sensitivity, to improve sexual comfort and pleasure.
  • Discover intimate techniques and exercises designed to enhance self-love, sexual pleasure, and restore confidence in your body’s sexual function.
  • Learn about safe, body-positive tools and products that can enhance your intimate experiences, tailored to your post-treatment needs.
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Our Program

Sexy Survivors is a bio-psycho-social digital platform empowering cancer survivors to reclaim intimacy, pleasure, confidence, self-love and quality of life, post treatment. Our 7-week virtual group program empowers survivors to address emotional, mental, and physical post-treatment challenges with tools to rebuild body trust and intimacy.


Our Results

Our survivors achieve significant improvements in body image and intimacy. Participants have reported increased sexual activity, better communication with partners, and higher self-esteem. 100% experienced improved intimacy communication, with many seeing a boost in sexual satisfaction despite ongoing physical challenges.


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What Survivors are saying...

“I am feeling much more confident in my body and have reminded myself that I can still feel turned on. Using the five senses has helped me. The mind and what we say to ourselves is so important."

Jen de Raadt

“Before the course I was curious about what I would learn. I discovered tools to help with calming and stimulating in ways that are effective and natural. That was my favorite part. Things my doctors don't know or talk about”

Susie Clisson

"If you or someone you know is going through a trying and difficult time before, during or after cancer treatment,  I know the feeling all to well and I highly recommend you reach out to Tiffany and invest in this course ~it will be the best decision you will ever make.. she changed my life and she will change yours too”

Ingrid Newman

This 7-week digital program includes:

  • Weekly live group video sessions to regain your confidence 
  • Recordings of the sessions that you can watch at your leisure
  • A community chat space to connect with other members so you don't feel alone
  • Activities to enhance your self-love and passions
  • A 30-minute private session to chat about a topic of your choice
  • Communication and couples connection activities
  • Finding Your Mojo! 
Sign up to get your mojo back